Thursday, July 26, 2012


Well collegiates, it's that time of year again!

It's officially back to school prep season. With only about a month left until I move back to Boston for the academic year, I'm feeling restless, excited, and a little bit stressed out - all classic symptoms of the back to school bug. What better time to start my blog?

I'm approaching my back to school preparation with a 4-pronged strategy.
My main focuses are:

  • Decorating and arranging my apartment bedroom to be both chic and functional
  • Building a killer wardrobe with great outfits for both day and night
  • Reaching my maximum physical potential by perfecting my hair, beauty, and body routines
  • Filling my social calendar with great places, parties, concerts, etc.
I'll be posting about my progress in each category to keep you all updated and hopefully give you some ideas to make the most of your own back to school prep!

P.S. I'm sorry this post is all text and no pictures. Once I get some momentum going and some things to show you, I hope to be posting more photos than words! Much prettier and more effective, in my opinion.

Until next time,

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